Why and How You Should Be Saving With Sinking Funds

A sinking fund is when you set small amounts of money aside each month towards the purchase of a larger item. Wouldn't it be easier to save $100 a month for Christmas and have $1200 by December rather than putting Christmas on a credit card and stressing about it in January? YUP! Or how about that 6-month insurance premium? It's much less scary setting aside money each month rather than sacrificing all your fun money the month it's due. 

Sinking funds can be used for anything that is not a monthly expense and becomes a line item in your monthly budget. So for example, in your budget, you will have a line item for your rent/mortgage, groceries and Christmas sinking fund (along with a bunch of other stuff). And each month you are setting money for the Christmas sinking fund aside but you aren't actually spending money in that fund until it get's closer to December.

How do you organize money from all these sinking funds? You can transfer the money into a separate account or keep it in a labeled cash envelope. There are also a few apps that help you organize money into separate categories to make your account balance more clear - Qapital and YNAB are a couple that I recommend. Use whatever makes the most sense for you!


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