49% of Americans Are Concerned, Anxious or Fearful

According to Marketwatch, 49% of Americans are “concerned, anxious or fearful about their current financial well-being.” The not-so-funny thing is that this study was before 1) the coronavirus, 2) a potential recession and 3) record breaking unemployment rates.

This is almost half! Why do we continue to live life with debt if it is causing us so much pain? Ost of us don’t see a way out. It has become so normal in our society we truly start to believe there is no other way. 

One roadblock when trying to get out of debt (which means living on a budget) is that you become an outsider. You start to have doubts that your friends will think of you differently, that people might think you are poor or that you can’t do fun things anymore. And the fact is that all those things can’t be further from the truth.

Aligning your spending with what you value most in life (vacation, a bigger house, fancy restaurants) is the best thing that you can do for yourself. Because you will be truly happy.

Don’t let what others “might” think of you as something that is stopping you. Being in debt shouldn’t be how you live your life, doing what makes you happy should.


3 Easy Steps to Get Started With Your Budget


Why and How You Should Be Saving With Sinking Funds