This Is Why You Might Be Broke...

Are you confused at the end of each month because you know how much money you make, and there should be plenty to cover your bills, but then POOF - it's gone before you even knew what happened? Unfortunately, I think we can all relate to this one! I promise I won't harp on the importance of a budget in this post, even though that would tell you exactly where your money is going. 

My guess is on subscriptions! And not only subscriptions themselves, but the mentality that the purchase doesn't effect anything.  How many things are you "subscribed" to each month? I'm not talking about magazine subscriptions like the good old days. I'm talking about Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime, Bark Box, Spotify, all the beauty boxes, Dollar Shave Club, Stitch Fix, Hello Fresh and the ever so popular wine club -- the list can go on FOREVER. 

This is where your money is going. $5 here, $15 there, you don't even notice each individual transaction but by the end of the month your paycheck is out the window. And it is not each tiny service that is making you broke, it is the mentality that these things don't have any effect on your money.

I'm not saying you can't have these these things, some of them save you time, increase your mental health, allow you something to look forward to during quarantine. I get it! But do me a favor, go through your bank statements for the past month and write down your subscriptions. Do you need them ALL? Are you paying for something you barely use? Can you find a free version? And before you sign up for the next new thing, take a second, see how it is going to fit in your life and determine if there is something else you need to give up to account for this new cost. Small changes like cancelling some of these services can free up money to put towards things you truly love.


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Let's Create a Vacation Budget!