What to Do With Your COVID Stimulus Check

So, this stimulus check. What about it? 

First off, check out this link to see the details on how much you may be receiving. Amounts vary but are up to $1,200 for individuals and $2,400 for those filing jointly (with $500 per child also in the mix). If you are behind on child support you won't be seeing a check. You will receive this money via direct deposit or a check in the mail, depending on your last filing method.

What should you be doing with this money? I can tell most of you that the answer here won't be to spend it. There are a few easy scenarios to cover but if you think your situation is a little more unique you can always reach out. 

If your job is stable, you are not worried about lay-offs or reduced hours, this money should go towards any debt you may have. Let's say you don't have debt, then it should go towards your savings. If you have a five month emergency fund you can always invest or, my personal favorite, make a donation to an organization that is doing some good right now. 

If you are at all questioning your employment then it should go towards your necessities and any leftover funds should go straight to savings. What are necessities? Rent/mortgage, gas for your car, food and utilities. Netflix? Nope. It's only $8.99/mo - nope. Getting food to go because you can't stand to cook anymore? Nope. Birthday gifts for friends because you feel bad they are stuck at home? Nope. Nope. Nope. You lost all or some of your income, it's time to save every penny you can. 

Be safe and be smart out there!


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