This Is What Debt You Should Pay off First!

Debt, a lot of people have it but no debt is good debt. Hear me now, I will say it again. YOU DON'T WANT DEBT.

Ok, now that we got that out of the way, if you do have debt and you are trying to get rid of what, where do you start? Reminder, no judgement, I was there too with a scary amount of student loans, but I am here to help.

Ok first, we want to list all debts from largest to smallest. I also like to put the interest rates next to them because it might effect things.

After we list all our debts, we are most likely going to pay the smallest debts first. This is snowball method, you can also use the avalanche method which is where you pay off the highest interest rates first. Back to paying off the smallest, this helps with creating easy wins as you pay them off. If it takes you a year to pay off one debt (let's say it's your largest), a year is a long time before you get a win in your journey. Too long and it's hard to keep up momentum. 

With that, if you have a $300 credit card bill that is at 25%, we gonna get rid of that.

Back to the plan, once you pay off your first debt, that money then rolls into your payment for your next debt, and so on. And that's it! Easy right? Stay on track, remember your why and life will be grand on the other side.


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