Reader Question: What Is the Best Thing to Do With Savings? Invest? What Kind of Account Is Best to Have It In?

A: This is a great question and it depends on the type of savings you are referring to! Let's assume you have no debt for this example. Your emergency fund should be in a separate account from your primary checking and it should be accessible. The point of this money is to get it when you need it so make sure it's in an account that doesn't require minimum balances or a specific amount of time that it has to be in the account. The purpose of this money shouldn't be to be making money so don't worry about the interest rate. You may see better rates with online banks, be sure you have a card to access the money.

With all of that, additional savings should be going into a Roth IRA. Personal finance coaches don't give investing advice so I would recommend you speak with a financial adviser on other account types. I would avoid single stock options if it was me.

If you don't have an emergency fund or you have debt, this should be your priority. Set aside $1,000 for each person in your household first. After that, work to pay off all your debt. Once your debt is paid, save six months worth of living expenses for your emergency fund. And that brings us back to the top!

Hope that helps!


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