How to Share Money With a Partner and Still Like Them at the End of the Month

Sharing money with someone is hard! We are all different people, with different past experiences with different goals.

Study after study shows that the success of your finances, and your relationship, is heavily dependent on the amount of debt a couple has and how they communicate about money.

To help you feel normal, money is the number one thing that couples argue about and nearly 63% of all marriages start out in the red, with debt!

To lay on the unsurprising stats, the larger the debt amount, the more couples will say that money is an issue in their relationship. And nearly ⅓ of us have hid a purchase from a spouse, because that always helps, right?

But there is hope! We can do four simple things to help us improve our relationship with our spouse and the health of our finances.

  1. Decide on how you will share your money. Do you share everything? Do you split certain bills? Do you have a joint account? The options are endless but each person in the relationship needs to agree it’s fair.

  2. Create goals that you want to hit together. This will make saying no to certain purchases easier since there are common goals.

  3. Give each other grace. If someone goes over on spending in one area, WWIII doesn’t have to start. Have a conversation and find out what happened and do better next month.

  4. Check-in on a regular basis. It’s hard to know if you are following your plan, or are way off, if you never look at your transactions. Talk weekly to celebrate wins or identify areas of improvement.


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