Turning Junk Around the House Into Cash!

If spending this much time at home has taught us anything, it’s that we have a lot of crap!

Seriously, how many knickknacks, items in a drawer, old electronics in a closet or old clothes does someone need?

I personally think that if Marie Kondo’s sparking joy movement would have landed on Netflix shortly after the ever-so-amazing Tiger King, we would be in a much better place physically and emotionally with our homes.

I don’t keep a list of random odds and ends that I sell, I honestly don’t need to rehash the amount of stuff that I owned at one point. But, by perusing my history on Facebook Marketplace (much better for household items than Craigslist these days) I have recently sold:

  • An old painting for a neighbor - $40

  • An extra trash can - $20

  • A leaf blower - $200

  • An extra charging hub - $15

  • An old cable modem - $30

  • An electronics docking station - $25

  • A Vikings jersey that I won at bar pre-covid - $75

  • Our dining room table, I found a cheap one that I liked better - $700

  • Our coffee table, also found a better one for free that I refinished - $80

That's $1,185 in my pocket that I never would've had otherwise, and I had to do was take a picture and describe the item on Facebook Marketplace. 

You get the point. If you find yourself staring at something every day and it doesn’t make you happy or proud that you own that item, get rid of it! There is no rule that you have to keep it.

And if it can bring in some cash, then why not?


Bouncing Back After #livingmybestlife


How to Share Money With a Partner and Still Like Them at the End of the Month