15 Ways to Save Money
Saving money is something that you are either really good at or it goes against everything that brings you joy. I find that while I really enjoy saving money some ways, other ways can be tedious and not worth the effort.
Here are some tips I personally use. I find them helpful whether you lost a job, are looking to get that emergency fund started or just want to be a little better with your money.
Pay off your debt - payments to interest is like throwing money out the window
Keep a running total while you are grocery shopping as a reminder of how quickly the bill adds up
Oh and buy generic brands, because it’s the same thing
Review all of your subscription services and cancel those you use the least
Send money to a savings account automatically and for specific items (it’s easier to save for that trip to Mexico this spring versus for a generic vacation fund)
Unsubscribe from those companies that always email you tempting offers
Bring your lunch to work (if you aren’t working from home of course) and save restaurants as a way to treat yourself
Say yes to the match for your employer’s 401k benefit - free money
Look at your cell phone bill - can you get on a family plan, ditch your insurance, get on a plan with less data or sign up for an off brand servicer like Cricket or Visible
Make your morning beverage at home
Rent books at the library (you can even request books they don’t have)
For your next vacation, grab an airbnb rental during the week, you’ll find a cheaper rate you won’t have to spend lots of money on gas or fancy plane tickets
Sell anything around your house that you are sick of, don’t use or is more work than it’s worth - you won’t miss the junk once it’s gone and you’ll love the cash
Challenge yourself to not spend any money (besides the essentials) for a week
Shop around when making larger purchases, you might be able to find it cheaper at another nearby store or get a price match