6 Reasons You Are Still in Debt

Your debt and your thoughts towards debt is directly tied to our society. Debt is normal. Just because something is normal doesn’t mean it’s good. As my mom used to say, “if your friend jumped off a cliff, would you?”

But there is hope! Here are some reasons that people stay in debt:

1. You think there is no way out. Being in debt doesn’t have to be your destiny. You can kick it to the curb, you just need to have the confidence to take the steps to change your future.

2. You don’t know the reason you keep accruing debt. Knowing how you accumulate debt is the key to getting out. Do you have a problem with a credit card? Do you like fancy cars? Look into these traps and stay away from them!

3. You don’t want to make sacrifices. I’m not asking you to give up your hobbies or to never go on a vacation, but there might be some things you have to say no to.

4. You and your spouse are on different pages. This is a hard one but something that needs to be addressed head on. If you share money with someone, both parties need to agree on how you will spend your money and what your priorities are as income changes.

5. You don’t have goals or a plan. At the end of the day, it’s hard to stay motivated when times get tough if you don’t know your why. Take some time to dream big! Write down everything you are going to do (or buy) once you are out of debt. 

6. You don’t have a budget. This is a simple one. Get on a budget, they are a necessity for everyone!


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