This App Will Change How You Think About Budgeting !
While I was getting out of debt I started using an app early on that I think was a total game changer. This app not only helped me stay accountable, but it took all the guessing out of “how much do I have left in groceries” or “oops I spent too much, now what?”
Drumroll please - YNAB (You Need A Budget). Yup, that’s the name of the app!
Now, there are a lot of budgeting apps and there is a chance that you might already have one. But let me tell you why this one is different and why you should think about spending the $7 a month for it.
First off, if you spend too much in a category, YNAB will turn the category red and you won’t be able to ignore the problem. It will then ask you where you want to pull money from to make things right again. When you overspend that money has to come from somewhere and YNAB has no problem holding you accountable.
The second reason I love YNAB is that it let’s you use credit cards and it’s easy! I won’t go into the details here but just know that you can still accumulate your miles while you are paying off your debt.
Lastly, it makes saving for larger items a piece of cake. Maybe you want a savings goal for a specific item, like a new coach. Or you are saving for vacation but are going to be spending money along the way. Or maybe it’s a monthly bill and you are sick of looking up how much it is each month. Yup, it’s all there, and more!
The point I want to make is to encourage you to reach out and find tools that will make things like budgeting or paying off debt easier. Don’t try to create fancy spreadsheets or processes for saving receipts that you will never use.
Why make things harder?