Mastering the Spiritual Parts of Money

I am going to go out on a limb and say that we all, at some point, have struggled to openly talk about money. I’m talking about the nitty gritty details like how much debt you have, how much money you actually spend at restaurants or how on track you are with your retirement savings.

In order to make changes in our lives around money, we need to get in touch with both the physical aspects of money as well as the spiritual. I talk about the physical parts of money quite a bit, budgeting is a great example of this.

But what about our spiritual relationship with money, the thoughts and energy it provokes within us? There are entire books on this topic but I want to dive into three ways to better your spiritual relationship with money that will ultimately determine how much you physically have.

Be Aware of Your Limiting Beliefs

I have been reading You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero and the first chapter hit me like a ton of bricks. I was the person that didn’t think I had limiting beliefs with money because I truly believed that I was good enough to be financially successful in the eyes of society. But when Jen said that one limiting belief is the fear that money you spend may never make its way back to you, my jaw dropped! 

I had always thought this in the back of my mind that money spent is money out the door. I’ve always lived my life spending money that I “could afford” so it wasn’t a big deal that I was saying goodbye to it.

But the idea that positive alignment with money energy can lead to money coming back into our lives is the best news I have heard all week! As I learn more on this topic I suggest you do too. Here’s a resource as you dive in!

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

For example, I paid off over $46k of student loans in 20 months. To some, that may seem like a ton of money, wow, how did she do that, that’s incredible! Others might think, wow must be nice to only have $46k of debt, I wish! Ok not only is that a limiting belief but you are also comparing yourself, stop it!

When we compare our personal situations to others we aren’t taking into account the thousands of factors that led us there in the first place!

Only you have the power to change your life and only you are living your reality. Don’t spend time wishing you had what others had. Don’t waste your money buying things that society tells you to own.

Take a moment to reflect on what is truly important to you and do the work to get those things. Whether it’s your dream to start a business, buy a larger home or invest in personal growth, set yourself up to accomplish those items with your new and improved outlook and mindset towards money. Here’s an article to help you map this work out.

Forgive Yourself for Past Mistakes

We have all done some pretty stupid stuff, right? To name a few, I financed a study abroad trip with a credit card that had interest well into the double digits. There was also that time I came out of a public school with nearly $60,000 in student loan debt while I worked the entire time (you try the math on that one). 

The point is, they are done! There is no amount of complaining that I could do to change what had already happened. And trust me, I tried! I spent the first eight years out of college making my minimum payments and complaining about how expensive they were (another limiting belief right there).

As we dig into the work for a healthy relationship with money it’s key we accept our past mistakes, really feel the emotions that come to us and forgive ourselves as we commit to do better.

One of my favorite sayings is, when we know better we do better, and it’s the truth!

How will you change your inner dialogue around money? What can you do right now to better your situation? Because only you have the power to up your game a bit. Now you know!


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