Keep Paying Your Federal Student Loans While They Suspended, Here’s Why

Right now you are not required to may a payment on your federal student loan, sounds great right? Wrong! If you are still employed, or your household can afford to make your monthly loan payment, you should continue to do so. And, this may sound crazy but, pay extra!

Think about it this way, normally you have interest tacked onto your loan each month. So when you make your payment, some goes to the loan and some goes to interest. 

Right now, with your payments, 100% of it is going directly to the principle! That means that every penny you are sending to your lender is paying down your debt.

Of course, if you are worried about making rent or buying groceries you should hold off. But, if you are one of the lucky ones, hit it hard!


How Much Extra Should I Be Paying on My Student Loans?


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