4 Ways I Practice Self Care, Without Blowing My Budget

The budget gets a bad rap. I get it, I was once there too but I am here to say that, it can work wonders when you put its powers to good use. 

I often bring up budgeting, it’s just what I do, and people fall into one of two buckets on the subject, 99% of the time. 

The first group says they budget. After a few questions, I find out all they actually do is have an idea on how much their bills cost and a number they shouldn’t go over on items like groceries.

The second group of people have never budgeted. They don’t have any interest in one because they don’t want to be told what they can’t spend their money on.

Now, don’t worry if you are one of these people. Most of us are doing the best we can with our finances considering we were never actually taught how to manage money.

But what if I told you that a budget allows you to go on vacation, ensures you get that new deck before summer and gives you permission to spend your money!

I tend to be on either extreme with spending money on myself. Either I went to Target to find a necklace but left spending $150 on who knows what or I don’t use my debit card for a full week.

In an attempt to balance my actions from one end of the spectrum to the other, I try to incorporate small gestures of care into my budget.

Here are four ways I treat myself without breaking the bank, or my budget.

  1. Doggy dates. If you have an active dog you know that the walks are endless and even a good run or bike ride isn’t always enough. Afternoon or early evening walks are an easy way for me to step away from the computer and enjoy the outside, no matter the weather. I will sometimes play a podcast or just be with my thoughts as I see this adventure through her eyes.

  2. At-home facial with wine. Masks can be relatively cheap in the store or easily made at home. Whether it's during a bath, or while reading a good book, allow yourself this time to relax. You deserve it!

  3. Try a new recipe. I like to play a fun game of ‘what can I make with the ingredients I already have at home’. I hate throwing groceries away so even if it tastes sub-par, it’s better than going in the trash. There are also apps or websites that you can type in items you have on hand and recipes can be generated for you.

  4. Make a fancy afternoon beverage. I can become quickly useless around 3:00 PM if I had a bad night of sleep or hadn't left the house up until that point. Taking 15 minutes to make infused sparkling water or a matcha latte gives me just the boost I need to finish my day off strong while feeling a little fancy.  

These are just a few small ways I insert joy in my life, but we are all different. Think about what you love, what makes you feel special and what can be a true treat during your day. Be sure to add these items in your budget and allow yourself to spend this money, self care is important.


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