What Is a Budget and How Do I Get One?

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A budget is key to being successful with your money. While you may think of a budget as something restrictive, it is actually something that allows you to spend. If you have money in a category in your budget, you are free to spend every penny and not feel bad about it.

There are a few ways to create a budget, I always recommend the zero-based budget. Zero-based budgeting is where your income minus your expenses equals zero. That doesn’t mean your bank account is empty, it means that every dollar you have handles something very specific. The types of things that this money is assigned to ranges from monthly bills, living expenses, savings, travel funds, 401k contributions, etc. 

The best part about budgeting is that it can change every month. Take 5 minutes a day to look at your budget and categorize your spending, it saves you time in the end. 

That's it, now go make a budget!


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