12 Things You Are Wasting Your Money On

OK, I am not here to tell you that you are bad with money because you are spending way too much money on certain things. Absolutely not! But I am here to be a friend that reminds you that “hey, personal finance, you got this, and here’s another way you can get even better with your money!”

Where we buy certain items can have a big impact on our money. By spending more money than we need to on certain items, we are basically lighting cash on fire or throwing it out the window.

Please don’t light your cash on fire.

A dramatic example, if you were walking around Nordstrom and you noticed they started selling toilet paper, would you buy it there? I hope not! I bet it’s going to be $63 for a 24-pack and that is just not responsible. 

The same goes for everyday items we buy from stores that we find ourselves in more frequently.

Two reasons why you might be overspending is that you shop out of convenience, meaning you like buying everything in as little stops as possible, or you like shopping local.

Concerning the second point, I understand that supporting a local business is important. I’m not here to argue that, but it can end up costing you more money on certain items. If you are struggling to pay your bills or you are drowning in debt, I ask that you take a  pause and buy certain things at a cheaper store while you catch up and get back on track.

Spoiler alert: I remember the first time I even noticed the Dollar Tree even had thank you cards. I was there with a friend who was looking for something specific. So I did what any good patron would do, I started walking the aisles to see if there was anything that I needed (which I am sure I didn’t need a darn thing). 

I found myself in the stationary isle and noticed at least 10 different options for Thank You cards! My mind was blown because I always hated keeping these in stock at my house because they were usually expensive to buy! But here I could get a cute set, for cheap, and not feel guilty about it.

Another item is seasonal décor. While I am not a huge fan, I hate storing it to use only one time of the year, there are tons of options that are all budget friendly if this is your thing! And remember, Santa doesn’t care where you bought the stuffed snowman from, it’s the thought that counts!

Ok so here is the full list of items that you can find at discount stores, such as the Family Dollar or Dollar Tree, that have little to no difference in quality.

  1. Greeting cards

  2. Seasonal decorations

  3. Notebooks

  4. Wrapping paper and gift supplies

  5. Storage bins and decorative containers

  6. Party supplies

  7. Vases and other decorative items

  8. Dinnerware

  9. Food storage containers

  10. Cleaning supplies

  11. Coffee filters (do people still use these?)

  12. Travel size essentials and containers

Take some time out of your next errand day and jump into one of these thrifty stores to see what you can find. Make sure it’s already on the list, I am not giving you permission to go on a shopping spree here, though sometimes it can feel like you are robbing the place because it’s so cheap!


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