The Myth of the American Dream

With post-pandemic life seeming closer than we have ever been, one can’t help but wonder, what am I doing with my life? If we have learned anything from the past year, it’s that we should be spending more time doing what we love while surrounded by the people we care about most. 

But when I think about re-starting an old routine of traffic, work, then more traffic, one can’t help but think, is this American dream for me? 

But wait, what is the American dream, exactly? Americans have always heard about this destination but I have to admit, it's not very tangible. People even move here from all over the world to chase after this dream life, but what is it? After all, we can’t achieve something that we can’t precisely explain, let alone set goals for.

While thinking ‘is the American dream possible’, I couldn’t help but think, maybe the dream is still there but the path to get there is very different than when my parents were my age. 

I truly believe you can now live your very own version of the American dream. You don’t have to feel the pressure of going to a job if it doesn’t make you happy. And flip that around, why quit a job you love and feel stable in?

It might look like quitting your job, moving abroad or starting a business. The best part is that this is your vision for your life and you no longer have to find joy in what society deems valuable. This is your American dream!

Of course, your dreams should reflect in your finances because you will need to set money aside to make this your new reality. From there, prioritize which things to do first, because it can’t all happen at once.

When we let go of the American dream myth, we can start living an intentional life, driven by our innermost passions, creating our very own version of the American dream. You can expect to live a much happier, fulfilled and purposeful life once your dream starts to become your reality. 


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